
Classical book on fractional calculus is translated into Chinese
Chinese mathematician and very good partner of OTHA activities and events Professor Changping Li translated an encyclopedic book on fractional calculus into Chinese. We are talking about the book "Fractional Integrals and Derivatives", published by Taylor & Francis, December 8, 1993.
OTHA research group at the international conference ICMS25 at the AUS-Emirates
Special Session on “Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis” was organized within the Fourth International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (ICMS25) was held at American University of Sharjah, OAE (20-22 February 2025).
Dr. Lady Estefania Murcia Lozano (Mexico) joined us as visiting researcher
Dr. Estefania Murcia is a young researcher (PhD) in the field of inverse problems, she defended her thesis at CINESTAV (Mexico) under the supervision of Professor Vladislav Kravchenko.
Sirius Educational Center in Sochi hosted the international conference “Workshop OTHA Fall 2024”
From December 15 to 19, the Sirius Educational Center in Sochi hosted the international conference “Workshop OTHA Fall 2024”.
The conference is attended by leading experts and young scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Vladikavkaz, Algeria, Belarus, Spain, China, Mexico, the UAE, Pakistan, Palestine, and Serbia.
Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics: Speakers Brochure
The International Scientific Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics (website has been held regularly since mid-2020.
Dr. Ali Raza is a new research visitor
Dr. Ali Raza (PhD), a young researcher from Pakistan, joined our team as a visiting professor at the asociate professor level. Dr. Ali Raza is engaged in scientific activities in the field of variable exponent analysis. Dr. Ali Raza is an Assistant Professor at the Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, GC University, Lahore (Pakistan).
OTHA-2024: Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis
OTHA 2024 conference brought together more than 100 mathematicians - participants from various regions of Russia, as well as from Algeria, Armenia, Belarus, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Syria and Uzbekistan.
From Classical to Modern Analysis: In memory of Professor José Carlos Petronilho
From June 24 to June 28, 2024, the international scientific conference “From Classical to Modern Analysis: In memory of Professor José Carlos Petronilho” was held in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain.
Special Issue “Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis in Armenia – celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia”
The Special Issue “Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis in Armenia – celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia” has been published in the Journal of Mathematical Sciences.
OTHA Spring – 2024 in Yerevan
The international workshop OTHA Spring 2024 was held at the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (Yerevan). Organizers and co-chairs of the organizing committee: A.N. Karapetyants (Russia) and R.G. Aramyan (Armenia).
The Regional Mathematical Center 2023
The Regional Mathematical Center of SFedU summed up the results of its activities in 2023. The main indicators of the development program were achieved with a margin.
AMP 2024
The international online conference "AMP 2024: Analysis and Mathematical Physics".
ISAAC Newsletter - December 2023
The Newsletter, among the other events, published the information about the OTHA-ISAAC Special Interest group, including the  OTHA - 2023 conference held in August, OTHA-Spring workshop in Yerevan and 3 special issues in the Journal of Mathematical Sciences.
OTHA-2023: Modern methods, problems and applications of operator theory and harmonic analysis
From August 20 to August 25, the international scientific conference "OTHA-2023: Modern methods, problems and applications of operator theory and harmonic analysis" was held at the Southern Federal University.
OTHA-Spring-2023 in Armenia - Celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Armenian Academy of Sciences.
International scientific workshop OTHA Spring 2023 was held on 18-22 April 2023 in the Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA (Yerevan). The Workshop was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. The organizers and co-chairs of the organizing committee are A.N.Karapetyants and R.G.Aramyan.
55th anniversary of Professor Vladislav V. Kravchenko
Professor Vladislav V. Kravchenko, a Senior Researcher in the research mathematical center Cinvestav (Center for Research and Advanced Study, Mexico) celebrated his 55th anniversary on February 15, 2023.
A professor from the National Polytechnic University of Armenia delivered a series of lectures to SFedU students
On October 4-18, Professor Armenak Babayan (Armenia) delivered a series of lectures entitled "Boundary Value Problems for Elliptic Equations in the Single Circle. The event was organized by the RMC of SFedU.
The international conference "Workshop OTHA Fall 2022" was held in Sirius, Sochi.
The international conference "Workshop OTHA Fall 2022" was held in Sirius, Sochi, from December 18 to 22, 2022. Leading experts and young scientists from Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Vladikavkaz, Yaroslavl, Belgorod, Sweden, Armenia, Belarus, Mexico, and Ecuador participated in the conference.
Professor Armen Kamalyan has taught a series of lectures to SFedU students
From October 26 to November 23 Professor of the Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia Armen Kamalyan taught a series of 5 online lectures "Fredholm operators" for students and postgraduates of mathematical specialties. The event was organized by the Regional Mathematical Center of the Southern Federal University.
ISAAC Newsletter - December 2022
The International Society of Analysis, Applications and Computation (ISAAC) released the Newsletter of activities in 2022 of the Special Interest groups and main ISAAC-related events.
The Regional Mathematical Center 2022
The Regional Mathematical Center of SFedU summed up the results of its activities in 2022. The main indicators of the development program were achieved with a margin.
A Special Issue in the Journal of Mathematical Sciences dedicated to Professor S.Samko

This issue is the third in a series of direct submissions (Volume 266, issue 3) in the Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Series A). It consists of ten research articles and one review article. Contributing authors are from Portugal, Israel, Russia, Kazakhstan, Argentina, China, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Algeria. Guest editors: A. Almeida (Portugal), Z. Kusraeva (Russia) and H. Rafeiro (UAE).
Topical collection in the Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications (Springer Nature)
Topical collection of "Operator Theory and Fourier Analysis" in the Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications has appeared as a result of editorial activities related to the OTHA-2021 conference.
A Special Issue in the Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Series A)
This issue (Volume 266, issue 1) is the first in a series of direct submissions (Series A) making the Journal of Mathematical Sciences an excellent new platform for the publication of high-quality papers submitted by scientists from all over the world. The link is here .
The book "Methods of Mathematical Physics: Classical and Modern
The book by Alexey Karapetyants (Southern Federal University, Russia) and Vladislav Kravchenko (CINVESTAV, Mexico) "Methods of Methods of Mathematical Physics: Classical and Modern" was published by Birkhäuser (Springer Nature) in November 2022.
Conference on Mathematical Analysis and PDE in Tsaghkadzor and Seminars in Yerevan, Armenia, September 14–24, 2022
In the period from September 14 to 24, a number of scientific events took place in
Armenia, including a conference, seminars, and research visits.
International scientific conference OTHA 2022
From August 21-26, an international scientific conference "OTHA-2022: Modern Methods, Problems, and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis XII" was held at the Southern Federal University. It was dedicated to the 80th birthday of Professor Nikolai Karapetiants (1942-2005).
Special issue of the journal «Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations» in honour of Vladimir S. Rabinovich
This issue of the Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations is dedicated to the prominent mathematician, doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, professor Vladimir Samuilovich Rabinovich, on the occasion of his 80-th birth anniversary.
V. Kravchenko headed the Bulletin of the Mexican Mathematical Society
Vladislav Kravchenko became the Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Bulletin of the Mexican Mathematical Society (Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana).
The Regional Mathematical Center 2021
The Regional Mathematical Center of the Southern Federal University, overview of the 2021 activities: conferences, seminars, visits, lectures, etc.

Visiting research fellowships
Advanced Studies and Research Regional Mathematical Centre of the Southern Federal University ( offers 1-2 visiting research positions in mathematics with a flexible start date (see below) at a postdoc level or higher.

OTHA-2020 in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (vol.2)
This is the second in the two-volume series originating from the 2020 activities within the international scientific conference "Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis" (OTHA), Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
OTHA-2020 in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (vol.1)
This is the first in the two-volume series originating from the 2020 activities within the international scientific conference "Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis" (OTHA), Southern Federal University in Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
OTHA conference 2011-2021
Informational brochure about the 10 years of the OTHA conference The annual international scientific conference “Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis” (OTHA) has been held since 2011. The brochure contains some information and pics from previous conferences as well as information on related events and projects.
The conference OTHA-2021 in Science information newsletter “Poisk”

The news article “Harmony of formulas. Communication between mathematicians helps to the progress of science” dedicated to the tenth conference OTHA-2021, was published by the Science information portal “Poisk” (Issue No. 36 of September 3, 2021).

Postdoctoral research fellowships
Advanced Studies and Research Regional Mathematical Centre of the Southern Federal University ( offers 1-2 visiting research positions in mathematics with start date: February 01, 2022 (or earlier / later upon mutual agreement). The application deadline is September 30, 2021.

OTHA-2022 is an ICM Satellite
The Organizing Committee of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2022 in St. Petersburg assigned the status of the ICM 2022 Satellite conference to the conference OTHA-2022, 25 - 28 of April 2022.
Congress website:

The Regional Mathematical Center 2018-2020
The Regional Mathematical Center of the Southern Federal University, overview of the 2018-2020 activities: conferences, visits, lectures, seminars, etc.

A special session Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis within the 13th ISAAC Congress
A special session OTHA (Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis) will be organized within the 13th Isaac Congress, August 2–August 6, 2021, Ghent, Belgium.
Session organizers: Alexey Karapetyants and Vladislav Kravchenko.

13th International ISAAC Congress
Ghent University@Zoom
August 2-6, 2021

The 13th International ISAAC Congress, to be held from August 2 - 6, 2021. The conference will be organized as an online event via Zoom.
Conference website:
A Special Issue: Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis of the Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
This volume gathers selected, peer-reviewed papers from the "Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis IX" (OTHA 2019) conference, which was held in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, in April 2019.
Online Mini-courses in Mathematical Analysis 2020
The Mini-courses in Mathematical Analysis 2020 will be delivered online from September 14 to September 17. The program consists of two online courses and a very limited number of short online communications.

ISAAC - Newsletter July
Proceedings of the 12th ISAAC congress, switching to online education, the 13th ISAAC congress next year in Ghent in Belgium, ISAAC SIGs activities and still more info in the ISAAC - Newsletter July.

Postdoctoral research fellowships
Advanced Studies and Research Regional Mathematical Centre of the Southern Federal University ( offers 2 visiting research positions in mathematics with start date: July 01, 2020 (or earlier/later upon mutual agreement). The application deadline is May 31st, 2020.

The Regional Mathematical Center 2019
The Regional Mathematical Center of the Southern Federal University, overview of the 2019 activities: conferences, visits, lectures, etc.

The Regional Mathematical Center 2018
The Regional Mathematical Center of the Southern Federal University, overview of the 2018 activities: conferences, visits, lectures, etc.

OTHA-2018 in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
This proceedings volume gathers selected, peer-reviewed papers from the "Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis VIII" (OTHA 2018) conference, which was held in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, in April 2018. Prepared in the framework of ISAAC-Springer agreement.

In memoriam of Stasys Rutkauskas (Lithuania) and Garnik Karapetyan (Armenia)
We express our immense regret at the loss of two participants (plenary speakers) who frequently attended OTHA conferences, our dear friends and great mathematicians, Stasys Rutkauskas (Lithuania) and Garnik Karapetyan (Armenia), both passed away in 2018.

The conference OTHA-2019
The IX Annual International Scientific Conference "Modern Methods and Problems of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis and Their Applications (OTHA-2019)" took place on April 21-26, 2019 at the
Southern Federal University. Conference website: Thanks to more than 130 participants from many countries worldwide.

The third Caucasian Mathematics Conference
CMC-III: The third Caucasian Mathematics Conference (CMC-III) will be organized in Rostov-on-Don, Russia on August 26-29, 2019, under the auspices of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) on the base of Southern Federal University and with cooperation of Armenian, Azerbaijan, Georgian, Iranian, Moscow and Turkish Mathematical Societies. The main goal of Caucasian Mathematics Conferences (CMC) is to bring together mathematicians from Caucasian and ...

The conference OTHA-2018 is ON
The tentative list of plenary speakers OTHA-2018 includes but not limited to Alexander Bendikov (Poland), Viktor Burenkov (Moscow), Roland Duduchava (Georgia), Mikhail Goldman (Moscow), Sergei Grudsky (Mexico), Vagif Guliev (Azerbaijan), Alexander Gushchin (Moscow), Davit Harutyunyan (USA)...

The Seventh International Conference OTHA-2017 ​is ON !
The Organizing Committee of OTHA-2017 proudly announces the forthcoming international conference Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis VII, April 23-28, 2017. The conference will take place in Rostov-on-Don, RUSSIA, 23-28 of April. It is dedicated to the 75 anniversary of professor Nikolai K. Karapetiants (1942-2005).

The VI Russian-Armenian Conference
The local organizing committee proudly announces the VI Russian-Armenian Conference on Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Physics and Analytical Mechanics to be held September 11-16, 2016, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Working languages: Russian, English.
Organizators and sponsors: Southern Federal University (SFEDU), Don State Technical University (DSTU), V.A.Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics of NAS of the Republic of Armenia...

OTHA 2016 short abstracts
International conference “Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis VI” (OTHA–2016), April 24–29, 2016, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Website:

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