Classical book on fractional calculus is translated into Chinese

Classical book on fractional calculus is translated into Chinese Chinese mathematician and very good partner of OTHA activities and events Professor Changping Li translated an encyclopedic book on fractional calculus into Chinese. We are talking about the book "Fractional Integrals and Derivatives", published by Taylor & Francis, December 8, 1993. This edition, in turn, was a translation of the Russian version of the book, published by "Science and Technology" (Minsk) in 1989. The authors of this book are outstanding mathematicians of our time, and the first author - Stefan Samko devoted many years to Rostov State University (now - Southern Federal University), having gone the way from a student and assistant to the head of the department of "Differential and Integral Equations" and the founder of a large international school on fractional integro-differentiation. Some facts about the biography of Professor S.G. Samko - in the article dedicated to him: .

This book has long become an encyclopedic, universally recognized source, containing almost all forms and variations of fractional integrals and derivatives known at that time, it is provided with detailed historical comments and no less detailed and thorough proofs. In fact, at the present time it remains the most detailed source of knowledge about fractional derivatives and integrals.

The English version has more than a thousand pages, so Professor Changping Li and his students had to work hard on the translation, which took several years of intensive work.

The book in Chinese was published by China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. (Science Press), Beijing.

On the photo: Prof. Changping Li at the OTHA-Fall 2024 conference held in Sirius in December 2024.

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