
Classical book on fractional calculus is translated into Chinese
Chinese mathematician and very good partner of OTHA activities and events Professor Changping Li translated an encyclopedic book on fractional calculus into Chinese. We are talking about the book "Fractional Integrals and Derivatives", published by Taylor & Francis, December 8, 1993.
OTHA research group at the international conference ICMS25 at the AUS-Emirates
Special Session on “Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis” was organized within the Fourth International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (ICMS25) was held at American University of Sharjah, OAE (20-22 February 2025).
Dr. Lady Estefania Murcia Lozano (Mexico) joined us as visiting researcher
Dr. Estefania Murcia is a young researcher (PhD) in the field of inverse problems, she defended her thesis at CINESTAV (Mexico) under the supervision of Professor Vladislav Kravchenko.
Sirius Educational Center in Sochi hosted the international conference “Workshop OTHA Fall 2024”
From December 15 to 19, the Sirius Educational Center in Sochi hosted the international conference “Workshop OTHA Fall 2024”.
The conference is attended by leading experts and young scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Vladikavkaz, Algeria, Belarus, Spain, China, Mexico, the UAE, Pakistan, Palestine, and Serbia.
Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics: Speakers Brochure
The International Scientific Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics (website has been held regularly since mid-2020.
Dr. Ali Raza is a new research visitor
Dr. Ali Raza (PhD), a young researcher from Pakistan, joined our team as a visiting professor at the asociate professor level. Dr. Ali Raza is engaged in scientific activities in the field of variable exponent analysis. Dr. Ali Raza is an Assistant Professor at the Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, GC University, Lahore (Pakistan).
OTHA-2024: Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis
OTHA 2024 conference brought together more than 100 mathematicians - participants from various regions of Russia, as well as from Algeria, Armenia, Belarus, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Syria and Uzbekistan.
From Classical to Modern Analysis: In memory of Professor José Carlos Petronilho
From June 24 to June 28, 2024, the international scientific conference “From Classical to Modern Analysis: In memory of Professor José Carlos Petronilho” was held in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain.
Special Issue “Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis in Armenia – celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia”
The Special Issue “Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis in Armenia – celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia” has been published in the Journal of Mathematical Sciences.
OTHA Spring – 2024 in Yerevan
The international workshop OTHA Spring 2024 was held at the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (Yerevan). Organizers and co-chairs of the organizing committee: A.N. Karapetyants (Russia) and R.G. Aramyan (Armenia).
The Regional Mathematical Center 2023
The Regional Mathematical Center of SFedU summed up the results of its activities in 2023. The main indicators of the development program were achieved with a margin.
AMP 2024
The international online conference "AMP 2024: Analysis and Mathematical Physics".
ISAAC Newsletter - December 2023
The Newsletter, among the other events, published the information about the OTHA-ISAAC Special Interest group, including the  OTHA - 2023 conference held in August, OTHA-Spring workshop in Yerevan and 3 special issues in the Journal of Mathematical Sciences.
OTHA-2023: Modern methods, problems and applications of operator theory and harmonic analysis
From August 20 to August 25, the international scientific conference "OTHA-2023: Modern methods, problems and applications of operator theory and harmonic analysis" was held at the Southern Federal University.
OTHA-Spring-2023 in Armenia - Celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Armenian Academy of Sciences.
International scientific workshop OTHA Spring 2023 was held on 18-22 April 2023 in the Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA (Yerevan). The Workshop was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. The organizers and co-chairs of the organizing committee are A.N.Karapetyants and R.G.Aramyan.
55th anniversary of Professor Vladislav V. Kravchenko
Professor Vladislav V. Kravchenko, a Senior Researcher in the research mathematical center Cinvestav (Center for Research and Advanced Study, Mexico) celebrated his 55th anniversary on February 15, 2023.
A professor from the National Polytechnic University of Armenia delivered a series of lectures to SFedU students
On October 4-18, Professor Armenak Babayan (Armenia) delivered a series of lectures entitled "Boundary Value Problems for Elliptic Equations in the Single Circle. The event was organized by the RMC of SFedU.
The international conference "Workshop OTHA Fall 2022" was held in Sirius, Sochi.
The international conference "Workshop OTHA Fall 2022" was held in Sirius, Sochi, from December 18 to 22, 2022. Leading experts and young scientists from Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Vladikavkaz, Yaroslavl, Belgorod, Sweden, Armenia, Belarus, Mexico, and Ecuador participated in the conference.
Professor Armen Kamalyan has taught a series of lectures to SFedU students
From October 26 to November 23 Professor of the Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia Armen Kamalyan taught a series of 5 online lectures "Fredholm operators" for students and postgraduates of mathematical specialties. The event was organized by the Regional Mathematical Center of the Southern Federal University.

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