Conference poster

Sixth International Scientific Conference

"Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis VI".

Rostov-on-Don. 24 - 29 April, 2016

Working languages: Russian, English.

The conference is dedicated to the 75 annual jubilee of professor Stefan G. Samko (Russia, Portugal).

Working days of the conference: 25 - 28 of April. Arrival: April, 24; departure: April, 29.

Deadline for registration: 05 April, 2016.


  • Functional analysis and operator theory;
  • Function theory and approximation theory;
  • Differential equations and mathematical physics;
  • Probability-analytical models and methods (chair - I.V. Pavlov);
  • Bioinformatics and mathematical modelling (chair - A.V. Melerzanov);
  • Intellectual data analysis (chair - K.V. Rudakov).

Supported by Russian foundation for fundamental research and The International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation (ISAAC) .


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